You need to have the Recruitment Admin or Recruiter role in the platform to create views for recruitment members.
When you have compared candidates and analyzed their assessment results, you may want to share some of this information with others in your organization. For instance, to keep them up to date on the recruitment progress or to involve them in the decision making.
Creating a view for recruitment members
You can create a view from the Compare Candidates page of a recruitment:
- Select the candidate or candidates you want to show in the view, one by one.
- Make sure that what you see on the screen is what you want to share, so switch Lens if needed and add any competencies that are of importance.
- Click on Create view.
With these three easy steps you have created the view that all Recruitment members who are in the Recruitment team can see. This view consists of the Match scores of all candidates you selected, their competency scores and any additional insights that you also have access to, such as Extremes or Potential scores. It is possible for Recruitment Members to temporarily add Competencies to their view and see those scores, but not to switch Lenses or see other Candidates.
Note that persons with the Recruitment Admin role in the platform can already access the recruitment and Recruiters can be invited to join the recruitment team to access the recruitment. This gives them access to all information, including what view you have created. Sharing views is only for sharing with people that have the Recruitment member role, such as hiring managers in your organization.
Sharing a view
You can share the view you have created with anyone that is part of the recruitment team with the use of a link. Click the button with the three dots to open a menu and from that menu select ‘Copy link’. Anyone who has access to the Recruitment will be able to open the link.
Updating a view
Once created a view remains the same until you update it. If you want to change the view to something else, select the candidates that you want to include in the new view and then click on ‘Update view’. Should you need to know what the current view is, simply click on the button directly to the right of ‘update view’. This will show you what view is presented to all Recruitment members.