A colleague of yours will have invited you to look at specific results of a recruitment. This means you have received an email inviting you to create your own password to access the Assessio platform. Your username is the email address that you received the invitation email on (be sure to check your spam folder). Access the Assessio platform via: Assessio.online.
If you are invited to be a Recruiter member in the Assessio platform, it means someone wants to share specific information with you about one or more recruitments. The role of Recruitment member in the Assessio platform is view-only role, so you cannot alter data or create new data. This should make it easier for you to look around.
Accessing recruitments
After you log into the platform, you see all Recruitments that you have been invited to. Click on a Recruitment to see the scores of the Candidates. There are three types of scores: Match scores, Competency scores and additional insights. Your focus should be on the first two and these are shown immediately. To access the additional insights that are available to you, such as Extremes, Potential or Learning Agility, simply click on the tab next to Competencies.
By clicking on the three dots to the right of the recruitment you can access recruitment information such as Main recruiter, date of creation and active lens. The lens includes the list of competencies necessary for the job (this is called a Lens because it is a way of looking at potential data, matching it to a job and specific job behavior).
It may be that you cannot yet access the recruitment information or results of a Recruitment, because the Recruiter has not yet created a view for you. In this case, remind them to create a view. They can do so in the Compare candidates page of the recruitment.
Analyzing results
Of all scores available to you within a recruitment, the Match score is most important, as it indicates overall person-job fit. This is the fit between naturally occurring behavior from a candidate and the behavior necessary to perform well on the job. This necessary behavior is described by the lens. These behaviors, or competencies, should also form the basis of the job interview. Most lenses provide interview questions which can be accessed via the Lens details.
Match scores range from 1 to 100. A Match score between 80 and 100 is ideal, but a score above 60 is already considered a strong match. An average match is between 40 and 60, below 40 is a weak match and then the work might become too difficult for the candidate.
All Candidates have completed a Personality measure and a measure for General mental ability (intelligence). Combined this information is indicative of potential and can be used to determine what work behavior is most likely for a candidate. This is a predication; remember that actual behavior is not measured.
A description of likely behavior can be found in the Competencies. Click on any of the competencies to see the related behaviors. You can match these to the Candidates’ scores. Candidates ‘may underdo’ (scores lower than 80) certain behavior, ‘may overdo’ this behavior (scores lower than 80) or perform ‘just right’ (scores between 80 and 100). Note that ‘underdoing’ is in relation to ’just right’, so it is a prediction of performance somewhat below perfect. It is not a prediction of bad performance, unless the competency score falls below 40. Similarly, ‘overdoing’ is not a prediction of bad performance, it just means that the Candidate’s potential for the behavior is such that they are likely to perform so much of the behavior that it no longer is optimally effective.