Set your platform to Danish!
Danish is now available as a platform language, including the candidate experience.
The platform is now available in Danish. In order to change your platform language, click on your name in the top right of the screen. Select 'Language’ from the dropdown menu. Now select the language you want to use and click ‘Ok’.
It is also possible to set Danish as Recruitment language, meaning sending out the communication to candidates in Danish for a recruitment. You do this in the first step of creating the recruitment, by selecting Danish as the language. If you want to edit the invitation email that is sent out, you need the Owner role. Click on ‘Settings’ and select ‘Recruitment settings’ from the menu. Scroll down to Candidate emails and click on the box below ‘Candidate invitation email’ to select Danish. Click on ‘Edit’ to make any changes to the email and then click on ‘Save’.
Danish was already available as an Assessment language, but now the whole candidate experience can be in Danish. This includes the tutorial before the assessment and the candidate feedback.
MAP-X update
Assessio made a revision of the current version of MAP-X, with even better psychometric properties.
Assessio strives to continuously improve its services and tools. This month the measure for extremes (extreme behaviors), MAP-X, has received an update. Score calculation, cut-offs, descriptions and some scale names have changed.
For all new recruitments, all candidates’ extremes will be calculated based on the new MAP-X algorithm. There will be no changes to existing recruitment candidates’ extreme scores in the platform, however, texts will be updated. When adding candidates to an existing recruitment process, all new candidates’ extremes will be calculated based on the old MAP-X algorithm, thus ensuring the possibility to compare candidates’ extremes. If candidates from previous recruitment processes are added to a new recruitment, their extreme scores will be recalculated based on the new algorithm to ensure the possibility to compare candidates’ extremes.
All extreme scores in the development module, in Self Awareness Insights, are updated. Generally, no major score changes are expected from this update as correlations between the old and new algorithms have proved to be very high.
For more information regarding the changes and the background for it, please see this article. For detailed information regarding extreme behaviors, the MAP-X model and interpretation of scales, see this article. For more background information such as the theoretical foundation, scale construction, validity, reliability, and norm group, please consult the new technical manual. All three are available in the help center.
Improved use of Development goals
On the Development goals page you can now edit, update and complete your goals.
Using Development goals can significantly increase your development progress and improve your results. By committing to specific actions, working towards desired outcomes and monitoring your progress, your personal development will be fast and efficient. The Assessio platform accommodates all these actions in Your Development goals page.
The development goal page now has two new modes available: Edit and Update. In the Edit mode you can select which actions you want to focus on for your goal, by selecting or de-selecting actions. If your organization has ‘AI’ active, you can use the Edit mode to generate new actions. You can reach the Edit mode from your Development goals page by clicking the three dots to the right of a goal and selecting Edit goal from the dropdown menu.
The Update mode is available by clicking on View details, or by selecting View goal details from the dropdown menu. You see the selected actions for your development goals and can choose to complete them. When you complete an action you can choose to write a comments or note about its completion. The text you write becomes visible in the overview for that Development goal. You can also choose to mark the entire goal as completed, by clicking Mark goal as completed. You can do this, even if not all actions for that goal have been completed. Marking a goal as completed moves it to the Completed goals tab of your Development Goals page.
Share your Development goals
Leaders and Development members can now share their Development goals with other users.
Personal development is an important topic for all professionals. Assessio supports the development of leaders and employees through Development goals. By choosing and following up on these goals, setting and completing actions, the success of development efforts is very much improved.
The latest addition to the Development goals is the ability to share your goals with other Assessio platform users, for instance your manager or a colleague. Goal sharing is done on Your Development page, by clicking on the three dots within the goal card you want to share; then select ‘share goal’ from the menu. In the new window you can type a name of a person. This person will receive a notification within the platform and an email that a goal has been shared with them. They will only be able to view the goal, not edit or mark as complete. And they will only see this goal, not all your goals.
Sharing your goals is a powerful way to engage with your development and to get the support you need to grow even further as a professional.
Global search is improved
The global search bar functionality is updated to enhance user experience.
The Assessio platform has a search bar at the top of the page, with which you can find people in the platform. This global search bar is now accessible to all development users. This means that everyone in the organization, who has access to the platform, can be searched for and found using this feature. When a user selects an individual from the search results, they will be taken to a third-person view of that individual.
This view allows the user to view the individual’s development data. However, it is limited, since the user will only be able to see information that has been explicitly shared with them or for which they have the necessary permissions to view.
In the case of leadership feedback, nothing has changed. The data is only available to Development Admins, the individual’s manager, or any individuals higher up in the hierarchy within the same reporting structure. As for development goals, users will only have access to the development goals that have been explicitly shared with them directly.