The way scores are displayed in the Compare candidates page is updated.
All scores in the Compare candidates page now reflect the true width of the distribution of scores and the colors give a better reflection of the person-job fit.
Analyzing Candidates is an important step in an evidence-based recruitment process. It comes after defining the job (choosing a lens) and testing candidates with assessments. The most important outcomes of these assessments are the Match score and the Competency scores. Competency results are categorized into “Just right”, “May underdo” and “May overdo” and related behaviors are described in the platform. These behavioral descriptions should be considered in combination with the actual distribution of the scale used for Competency scores, as approximately 65% will fall into “May underdo” (scores under 80) and only 25% fall into the “Just right” category (between 80 and 100).
The new way of presenting the assessment results in the Compare candidates page now shows this distribution (65%-25%-10%) more clearly, making it easier to interpret candidate results. The bars showing the scores now also have colors more closely related to the job-fit, with green reflecting a very strong match, yellow reflecting a strong match or average match and orange reflecting a lower match.
The same changes have been implemented for all Additional insights. For Potential, only grey colors are used, as a higher score on a personality scale is not necessarily a positive thing and can only be related to job-fit via the competencies. For Extremes the same green-orange-red colors have been used, indicating what scores might be worth paying attention to, if successful job behavior could be threatened by a higher chance of more extreme behaviors (red color). For Learning Agility, only the main scale uses colors as, generally speaking, a higher Learning Agility supports job performance over time. The sub-scales, or dimensions of Learning Agility do not include the red color as in itself scoring low on any of the dimensions is not a bad thing, it just means that a candidate does not learn new behavior this way and may in fact learn in other ways, indicated by higher scores on other dimensions.
As a result of these improvements, the behavior descriptions are no longer adjusted to the columns of the graph, but are presented under the graph, one below the other. Furthermore, more elaborate descriptions are added to the Competencies and all Additional insights. The descriptions of each scale have also been updated.
These changes are intended to make the analysis and comparison of candidates easier, specifically for Hiring managers and other non-experts of assessments. The results can now more intuitively be understood, and the chance of misinterpretation is reduced. This also makes the process of sharing assessment results easier for Recruiters.
Quickly collaborate on a Recruitment with other users by giving them the Recruitment member role.
You are likely not the only one interested in the assessment results of a Recruitment. Often you will want to show some of the data to, for instance, a Hiring manager. You can accomplish this by giving this person the Recruitment member role in the platform, adding them to the Recruitment team as a Collaborator and creating a view in the Compare candidates page for them to see. Two of these steps have now been combined: from the Recruitment page you can directly give an existing user the Recruitment member role and add them to the Recruitment team. This can be done by Recruitment admins and Recruiters that have ‘Can Edit’ rights.
Open the Recruitment and click on the three dots to the right of the Recruitment information. Select Edit Recruitment team from the menu. Then type the name of the person you want to add to the team. Note that this person must already be a user in the platform; users can be added by a Recruitment admin or an Owner.
If the person you are adding already has the role of Recruiter in the platform, you can decide whether you only want them to be able to see the data, or also allow them to edit the recruitment, for example by inviting more Candidates or changing some of the Recruitment information. Recruiters with ‘Can view’ access rights can see all data that is available of all Candidates in the Recruitment. Recruitment members can only see the view that has been prepared for them by a Recruiter. See
Sharing results with recruitment members for more information on creating views.
When a Recruitment is closed, all Recruitment members that are not part of any other Recruitment team of an open Recruitment, lose their Recruitment member role. They will still be listed as a collaborator but lose access to the recruitment, since they are now ‘Employees’ (no role in the platform). This is done because the number of Recruitment members of an Organization is a factor in the cost and the aim is to keep this low. By automatically removing this role, we save the Owner and Recruitment admins time in administrative efforts.
Make Personality lenses that do not require an intelligence test.
With the use of an AI-assisted Lens maker, you can create Personality lenses, composed only of competencies that do not require Matrigma data.
Assessio’s Matrigma test measures fluid intelligence, which is a strong predictor of job performance. However for some specific recruitments you may not want to include Matrigma in the recruitment process, due to the nature of the job or the candidate pool for instance. It is already possible to use Screening lenses for this purpose, but these do not provide competency scores. Now you can use Personality lenses, which are composed of Competencies that only use personality data derived from Assessio’s MAP assessment.
Recruitment Admins can create Personality lenses, using the AI-assisted Lens maker. To access this you click on Lens management in the menu on the left and then select Lens maker. In the Lens maker page, select the third option: “I want to create a lens based on personality data”. Using the AI-assisted lens maker is only possible if your organisation has the Add-ons activated: both ‘Create personality lenses’ and ‘AI-assisted Lens maker’ need to be activated for your organisation. Note that all leadership competencies require Matrigma data, so it is not possible to create Personality lenses for leadership positions. For a complete list of all competencies that can be included in Personality lenses, see this
Automatic reminders implemented for unfinished reviews.
Leaders and Reviewers will get an automatic reminder one day before the deadline of a review, if it is not yet fully completed.
Leadership feedback is an important part of leadership development. Leadership feedback reviews provide a leader with valuable information on which areas of behavior are worth considering for improvement. As such, incomplete Leadership feedback reviews hinder the development process and can leave a team underperforming.
To support the full completion of reviews, an automatic reminder is now activated in the Assessio platform. Reviewers that have not yet completed their review will get an automatic reminder one day before the deadline. Leaders are also informed if they are still missing reviews one day before the deadline of the review. As a consequence of that, a review has to be sent at least 2 days before the deadline.