Changes to viewing Candidate results for Recruiters and Recruitment Members
The Compare Candidates page has been updated so that Recruitment Members can only access those results that Recruiters have prepared, by creating a view.
The Compare Candidates page shows all results from all Candidates that have completed the assessments. This includes Match score, Competency scores and any additional insights that are available for your organisation, such as Potential scores, Extremes or Learning Agility. Recruitment Admins and Recruiters that are part of the recruitment team, can see all these results.
On the Recruitment page first select all candidates you want to compare the results of, then click ‘Compare’. This will bring you to the Compare Canidates page, with only the selected Candidates visible and from here you can see all Competency scores and the additional insights. Here you can add more competencies, switch lens, or add more candidates if needed, to see all outcomesthat are important for your decision making. To read more on how to compare candidates, read this article.
If you want to share these results with a Recruitment Member, first select the candidates you want to share and then click on ‘Create view’. Now a view is made available to any Recruitment Member that is part of the Recruitment team and they can access the results by logging into the platform and going to the Recruitment. Or you can share a direct link with them; click the button with the three dots and from the dropdown menu select ‘Copy link to created view’. This link gives direct access to the view that is created for the Recruitment. To read more on how to share assessment results, read this article.
Recruitment Members can only access the information that is shared with them via the created view. And only if they are a Collaborator in the recruitment team. To know how to add a Recruitment Member as a Collaborator to a Recruitment team, read this article.
Recruitment Members may be new to the Assessio platform. We've created an article that provides them with some basic information on how to access and review Assessment data. You can share this link.