Learning Agility as Additional insight
Learning Agility, the ability to quickly develop new effective behavior, can now be assessed using MAP and Match-V and its scores reviewed as Additional insight in the Compare candidates page.
Learning Agility is paramount in a fast-changing environment or when new behaviors need to be developed quickly. In essence, Learning Agility is someone’s ability to learn, that both describes how fast someone can develop new behaviors and in what way. There are five dimensions within Learning Agility: Change Agility (learning by doing), Mental Agility (learning by analyzing), People Agility (learning from and with others), Result Agility (learning by pursuing challenging goals) and Self-Awareness (Learning by self-reflection).
Learning Agility is assessed by combining the MAP questionnaire with the new Match-V questionnaire. Match-V measures Values. This questionnaire is only provided to candidates when the Additional insight of Learning Agility is requested in the third step of creating a Recruitment. Additional insights can also be requested after the recruitment has been created and some candidates have already completed MAP and Matrigma. In this case, they receive an email inviting them to complete Match-V. Learning Agility is an add-on and needs to be switched on for your organization by Assessio.
Results from the Learning Agility assessment can be found in two places. First and foremost, you can access Learning Agility scores in the Compare Candidates page, as an additional insight. In the page of a Recruitment, click the ‘Compare’ button and then select all Candidates you want to see the scores for and click on Learning Agility. If all Additional insights activated Learning Agility will be on the right of Competencies, together with Extremes and Potential.
The second way to view Learning Agility is by only selecting a single Candidate and then clicking on ‘View overview’. Now select the second tab, called Onboarding insights and within ‘Choose view’ select Learning Agility. This view comes with valuable development tips to use for onboarding a candidate after selection. For more information on Learning Agility, access this article.
Use artificial intelligence to create new lenses
The Lens maker has a third option: Design a lens with an AI-assistant.
Selecting and using the right lens is paramount to the success of a recruitment process. Assessio offers a series of research-based lenses but also encourages organizations to create their own set of ‘organizational lenses’. Recruitment admins have access to the Lens maker and can choose to adjust an Assessio lens to better match the organization’s needs, or to base a lens on a high performing employee (only available if both the Recruitment and Development module are active). Now there’s a third option: Design a lens with the AI assistant.
First you select whether you require a lens with only leadership competencies, for Leadership roles, or a lens with Peopleship competencies. Then you are given a maximum of 5 prompts to define your desired lens. After each prompt the AI assistant generates a lens, complete with name, description, competencies and competency weights. You can then use another prompt to adjust the lens, if needed. After each additional prompt, you’ll see a new lens as well as the previous version, so that you can go back one step if needed. Once you have the correct competencies in the lens, select it and continue to change the Lens title, subtitle and description. Boosting and publishing options are the same as for Customizing an existing lens or mirroring a high performing employee.
The AI assistant is an add-on and needs to be switched on for your organization upon purchase. It supports prompts in all platform languages and utilizes extensive data insights while adapting to specific organizational needs. Use it to quickly and accurately pinpoint behaviors that drive success in any role. Ensure your talent strategies align seamlessly with your strategic goals and cultural aspirations.
Potential scores have been added to the Additional insights.
Assessment scores for Personality and General Mental Ability are now visible in the Additional insights tabs of the Compare Candidates page.
Potential scores are used to calculate Competency scores and Match scores. A Candidate’s Personality and General Mental Ability (GMA) determine their potential for certain behaviors, thus competencies. And with the set of competencies in the Lens selected for the job, this also determines someone’s potential for successful job behavior, thus Match score. The Match score therefore is the best indicator of person-job fit and should be looked at first and foremost when matching candidates to a job.
But there are situations where it might be beneficial to also look at the potential scores, Personality and GMA, separately. In the same way as it is useful to look at the other Additional insights, such as Extremes or Learning Agility. This depends on the job, the organization or the specific project for which you are recruiting. The Potential scores can be found on the Compare Candidates page, in the tab next to Competencies. Potential is an add-on and needs to be switched on for your organization.
You will be able to see the Big 5 scales for Personality, including the 25 sub-scales. These include descriptions for low, moderate, and high scores within these scales. Note that unlike Competency and Match scores, a higher score for Personality does not necessarily reflect a better match to the job. For some jobs, for instance, a lower Openness might be more effective than a high Openness. Most people score moderate on these measures. For more information on Potential Score, access this article.