Setting up SmartRecruiters integration
If you want to use SmartRecruiters for creating and managing recruitments, it is possible to set up an integration between Assessio and SmartRecruiters. This integration has to be set up by Assessio and activated in SmartRecruiters. It can only be set up for clients that have the recruitment module active and have at least one user with the Recruitment Admin role. Contact Assessio to set up your Smartrecruiter integration.
You will need to indicate who the default Recruitment Admin should be for your organization. This default Recruitment Admin will be set as the Main recruiter when any new recruitment is created. This means that all communication with candidates will contain this Recruitment admin's information as the sender and contact person. The person that actually created the Recruitment in SmartRecruiters will be added as Collaborator to the recruitment, if they have the Recruiter, Recruitment Admin or Recruitment Member role in the Assessio platform. This will allow them to view the recruitments in the Assessio platform.
Once the integration has been activated in the Assessio platform, you can continue the process of activating it, within SmartRecruiters:
Go to Settings.
Select Apps & Integrations
Search for "Assessio".
Select Assessio.
You can recognize that you have to correct one by the Assessio logo.
On the Assessio page, select Connect.
Click on Allow and Continue.
This action will bring you to the login screen of the Assessio platform.
Log in to the Assessio platform using a Recruitment Admin account.
If you are using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), you will be requested to enter your code.
If you are part of multiple organizations in the Assessio platform, then you must select which organization you want to set the integration to.
Click on Give consent.
By following these steps the integration between SmartRecruiters and Assessio will be completed. You can now start using SmartRecruiters to create and manage Recruitments within the Assessio platform.
Using SmartRecruiters integration
Once SmartRecruiters is set up, you can use it to invite Candidates to an Assessio assessment and view the following results: Match score, Competency scores. The video below shows you the basics of using SmartRecruiters in combination with the Assessio platform.
Inviting candidates automatically
If you do not want to manually invite each candidate for assessments, SmartRecruiters does allow for an automatic process, but it requires some setting up to use properly. Three actions are required, that you may have to repeat for different jobs or lenses. First you need to create a new Job field that SmartRecruiters uses to automatically set the right Hiring process for each new job and then you need to create the Hiring process that includes a Skill test, and lastly you need to define this Skill test as using the right Assessio Lens.
Creating a new Job field
What you are doing with this action is adding an extra dropdown menu to the second step of creating a job in SmartRecruiters, where you can indicate what lens to use for the job.
The new Job field will be visible for all new jobs that are created in SmartRecruiters, but can be ignored by other Recruiters if not applicable.
Job fields cannot be deleted in SmartRecruiters after they have been created, but you can edit or deactivate them.
Go to the top right of the screen and click on your profile image, then select Settings.
Click on the option Job Fields, you can find this below Configuration.
Click on Add field.
Give the field a name.
We recommend giving the new field the name of 'Assessio Lens'
Set the category to Org.
Below the question "Where does this field appear?", tick the box for Job.
Add at least two values.
We recommend adding values for each of the lenses you intend to use in the future by putting the lens name as a value. It might be smart to add a value for 'No lens' too, for when you or one of your colleagues does not want to use an Assessio lens in the Hiring process of a job. Don’t worry about getting it exactly right, you can add or change these values later if needed. Know that you will need to create a separate Hiring process for each value you add here.
Click Create field
Activate the Job field you have just created by clicking the switch-button.
The Job field can be deactivated any time by repeating 1 and 2 and clicking the switch-button.
Creating a new Hiring process
What you are doing with this action is adding a Hiring process to the list of possible Hiring processes in SmartRecruiters. Hiring processes apply to a job and determine the different steps, such as completing assessments, that a candidate must go through when applying to a job. SmartRecruiters does not let you choose a Hiring process for a job manually, instead a process is automatically set based on the values selected for the Job fields in step 2 of the Create Job (or based on the Country or Brand that you select).
You will need to add separate Hiring processes for each Lens/value of the Job Field you have created in the first action. Although the Hiring process to the Candidate may be the same, SmartRecruiters requires a separate process for each Lens that is used in the Assessio assessments.
Click on your profile image, then select Settings.
Click on the option Hiring process, below Configuration.
This shows all hiring processes that have been created in the past. Below Description you can see what Job fields and values have to be selected for a job, in order to automatically set that hiring process.
Click on Create new Hiring process.
Give the process a name.
We recommend to use the Lens name for the name of the Hiringprocess as well.
Select the right value below the Job field you have created in the first action.
This will make it so that any job that is created with that value automatically is set to use this Hiring process.
Click on +Add step next to Interview.
Select the Skills test.
This will add the Assessio assessments as an automatic step in this hiring process, so each time a candidate moves from the In-Review to the Interview part of the process, the Assessio platform automatically sends an invitation email to the candidate.
Click Save hiring process
You are returned to the Custom Hiring processes page.
Adding a Lens to the Hiring process
Click on your profile image, then select Settings.
Click on the option Hiring process.
Click on Edit next to the Hiring process you have created in the second action.
Click on the Skill test and select Assessments.
Click on Configure.
Select the Lens you want to use for this Hiring process.
We recommend the one that corresponds to the Hiring process name and the Value you set for the Job field.
Set auto-triggered to ‘on’ by clicking the switch button.
Green means it is on and this indicates that the Skill test will automatically activate using the selected Lens once a Candidate moves to the Interview part of the hiring process.
After you selected the right Lens, click on Save.
This completes the creation of your Custom Hiring process and you can use it for all jobs you create in SmartRecruiters. Note that you will have to repeat the actions of creating a Hiring process and adding a Lens to it for each separate lens you want to use (for each Job field value that you added).
Now every time you create a new job, in step 2 you are asked which Lens to use. If you select a Lens, your job will automatically include the Assessio assessments and produce results for the competencies within that lens as results.