Development module
Improved Leadership development tips
The suggestions you receive for behavior development have been improved and now also show input when your score for the Leadership area is ‘just right’.
The main reason to receive Leadership Feedback, is to develop your leadership skills. What kind of leadership your team needs may change over time and new projects may bring new leadership challenges. So we know you will want to get feedback often and be able to use this feedback to improve your leadership.
As a Leader, on your Development page you can see your development progress in Leadership behaviors. By clicking on any of the four Leadership areas in the Behavior Development section, you get input you can use for your growth. This includes 'area of strength'/'changes to consider’, direct 'behavioral feedback’ and ‘suggestions for development’. These suggestions have been improved. Now you even get suggestions for development when your score for that Leadership area is above 80, or ‘just right’. Because we believe everybody can grow.
Recruitment module
Reassigning recruitments
All recruitments that one user is the Main recruiter for can be reassigned, all at once, to another recruiter.
Reassigning a recruitment means changing the main recruiter of the recruitment. Each recruitment should have a main recruiter. This user is responsible for managing the recruitment and is also the person that candidates can contact with questions. There can be several reasons why you might want to reassign a recruitment.
There are now two ways to reassign recruitments: one at a time, via the recruitment page and several simultaneously, via the people page. In case you just want to change the Main recruiter of one recruitment, go to ‘Recruitment’ and select the recruitment from the list, then click on the three dots in the recruitment details and select ‘Edit recruitment team’ from the dropdown menu. Here you can first add another recruiter as collaborator and then make that collaborator the Main recruiter.
But now if a recruiter leaves your organisation, it will be very time consuming to go through all recruitments of this user one by one. In order to reassign these recruitments to another recruiter simultaneously, you go to the ‘People’ page. Note that only users with the owner or recruitment admin role can access this page. Select the ‘Recruitment’ tab to see all recruiters and recruitment admins, then find the person who is leaving in this list and click the three dots to the right of their name. Select ‘Reassign all recruitments’ from the dropdown menu and then choose the person you want to reassign all recruitments to from the list.
Interview guides
All available lenses now come with an interview guide that can be printed and used during a job interview.
Competency based recruitment means you define a job in terms of required competencies and then only select candidates based on these competencies and not much else. So you should only invite candidates with a high match score, based on the selected lens, indicating that they have a high likelihood of showing the competency behaviors.
Once you have invited the candidates, the importance of these competencies of course remains. During the interview you should keep the focus on those behaviours that are relevant to the job. To help you with this, Assessio has composed Interview guides with questions to ask candidates. For the best recruitment results, the same questions should be asked to all candidates and their answers should be compared afterwards.
You can find the Interview guides by going to the lens details and then selecting the ‘Interview questions’ option at the top of the screen. You’ll find the print button on the top right. Each competency within the lens has at least one question combined with some follow-up questions to get more information on the actual behaviour of the candidate. Each question has “targeted behaviours”, which are the desired behaviours related to each competency and thus for the job.
Recruiters can access the lenses via the recruitment page. First select the recruitment you want to see the lens for and then click on ‘Details’ of the Active lens. Recruitment admins can go directly to the Lens library and then click on ‘Details’ below the lens of their choice.
Internal recruitment candidates
You can now determine internal candidates, making them easy to spot in the candidate list of a recruitment.
Some organisations have special policies when it comes to internal candidates for a recruitment. To accommodate this, we have made it easy to spot these candidates in the candidate list of a recruitment. When the candidate's email address includes any of the predetermined domains, a blue icon will appear top right of the candidate's name.
Owners can determine the email domains that should be used to identify internal candidates. Via the ‘Settings’ menu on the left, and scrolling down to ‘Email domains’, you can determine the domain names used in your organisation.