Lenses are used in recruitment to determine what competencies are needed for a job-function and thus what kind of Personality and General Mental Ability would match with this job. The lens that is selected for a Recruitment then determines the match scores of all candidates that complete the assessments for this recruitment. A high match score indicates that a person's abilities (Personality and GMA) match with the job, making it easy for them to perform well within this job.
Lens Insights provide information on the likelihood of different Match scores for that lens. Information has been gathered from a fixed set of over 25.000 candidates that have been assessed using Assessio MAP and Matrigma questionnaires, for various professions. This group is representative of ‘working adults’ across different countries. Although each of these candidates applied to a single job, using a specific lens, their data can be used to calculate Match scores for all other available lenses. In doing so, Assessio has created a dataset for each lens, showing the probability of a range of Match scores. This is what the Lens insights show.
Lens insights show a distribution; on the x-axis (horizontal) the Match scores are shown, ranging from 1 to 100 and on the y-axis (vertical) the probability density is shown, from low to high. A probability density is calculated over an area, for instance Match scores between 50 and 60. A high probability density over an area means that many candidates have had match scores within this range, a low probability density means that in comparison very few Candidates have had match scores in this area.
For most lenses the highest probability density can be found around the Match score of 60. This means that for these lenses a Match score of around 60 is most likely when assessing any random working adult. Lower Match scores are less likely, as are higher scores. The probability of a Match score between 90 and 100, for instance, is very low for most lenses, especially compared to the probability of a Match score between 50 and 60. These distributions resemble a bell curve; starting out almost horizontal, then a sudden steep incline, a round top, then an equal decline and flat again at the end.
Some lenses however have a much higher probability of a Match score over 80, or “just right”. Here the lens insights show a distribution that no longer looks like a bell, but rather is skewed to the right. This indicates that high match scores, such as between 80 and 90 are more likely in in these lenses than for other lenses. This distribution makes the lens less discerning, meaning that it will be easier to find candidates with a high match score if you use these lenses.
The information of Lens insights can be used when evaluating the Match scores of candidates for a recruitment. The variations in distributions of Match scores of different lenses means that for some Recruitments a larger amount of high Match scores are expected than for other Recruitments (using a different lens). Where for one job a match score of 90 might be exceptional, for another job it may be much more common. The high match score still means that the candidate is likely to be very effective at the required job behavior, it is just that that are more people with similar expected behavior who are thus equally effective.
Currently only the lenses that are provided by Assessio have Lens insights. Lenses that are created by your own organization may not have Lens insights.