The Assessio Performance Framework has four Leadership competencies.
Driving leadership
Takes charge - clearly expresses what they expect from others.
Sets challenging targets and pushes people.
Gives directions and shows the way.
Makes decisions and takes risks.
Holds people to high standards.
Enabling leadership
Delegates - trusts others and gives people space.
Coaches and supports.
Involves - seeks and stays open to input and influence.
Focuses on the common/team goals.
Makes the extra effort to put others at ease.
Operative leadership
Organizes and coordinates efforts.
Focuses short term - plans and executes.
Controls costs.
Manages time and conserves resources.
Evaluates results and status against goals.
Strategic leadership
Focuses long term.
Identifies and seizes opportunities.
Drives change.
Supports innovation and creativity.
Is aggressive about developing the team/organization.