Once you have created a review you can manage the progress of the review on the Performance page. Use the search field at the top of the page and search for the for the person who is being reviewed. When there are multiple completed reviews for this person, you can select the review by using the dropdown list.
By clicking on ‘View’ you get to see who the feedback providers are and whether they have completed the feedback or not. Here you can add a new reviewer or send a reminder to a reviewer.
If a review is still in progress, it is not possible to see any of the feedback yet. For this you first need to mark the review as complete. This will most often be after all reviewers have provided their feedback, but it is possible to do this even without all feedback being completed.
Note that when you mark a review as complete, the review is closed and no more answers can be received or entered. Once you click on ‘Mark complete’, the Review is completed and the manager who is receiving the feedback can view the outcomes in their Dashboard.