Assessio measures personality using MAP, which is based on the Five Factor model of personality. This model distinguishes five personality factors, which are: Extraversion, Agreeableness , Conscientiousnes Emotional Stability, and Openness .
Extraversion refers to a person’s need for social interaction and the amount of energy that they direct towards their social environment. Some individuals tend to focus more on their own thoughts than looking for impressions within their surroundings. They are usually perceived as more reserved than others and may be more cautious when approaching new people. Other individuals have a greater need for social interaction and enjoy being around other people. They tend to feel energized by others and come across as energetic, enthusiastic and talkative and are often self-confident in social settings.
Agreeableness refers to the way a person interacts with others and how they function in interpersonal relationships. The scale examines the extent to which an individual trusts others, how interested they are in others and how much they care about the needs and interests of others.
This scale also explores an individual’s level of compassion, willingness to help and cooperate with others and their interest in building and maintaining relationships with others. Some individuals are characterized as warm, trusting, vigilant and caring. They pay attention to and care about what other people think and feel. Others are described as more self-contained, pragmatic, objective and emotionally independent. They are often perceived as more independent and tend to be less affected by what others think.
Conscientiousness refers to the way an individual approaches different types of tasks and what drive they have to achieve their goals. The scale examines the degree of conscientiousness, orderliness, structure and self-discipline. Some individuals are perceived as more easy-going and relaxed in relation to their tasks and goals. They may be more flexible in their way of working and are perceived as more pleasure-driven or unplanned. Others are perceived as structured, planned and organized in their way of achieving goals. They usually structure their work carefully and come across as persistent.
Within each of these five factors in MAP there are an additional five sub-scales. This means that in total we have 30 datapoints that can be related to and predict the potential for specific behaviors within the four performance areas in the Performance Framework.
Emotional Stability
Emotional stability refers to an individual’s general trust in their own ability and how the person handles stressful situations. The scale also refers to an individual’s tendency to experience negative emotions such as anxiety and worry. Some individuals are perceived as calm, even during stressful situations. They are likely to have high self confidence and trust in their own ability and come across as positive and confident even during demanding or stressful situations. At times they may be perceived as somewhat unreflective.
Others may be characterized as open to feedback and self-reflective. They may also be more anxious and easily stressed and may be more critical towards their own work efforts and their ability to handle different situations.
Openness refers to a person’s need for mental stimulation and internal experiences, referring to emotional experiences that occur within oneself. Openness explores the need for new experiences, knowledge and mental stimulation. The scale also seeks to measure an individual’s appreciation of aesthetic expressions such as art and music.
In addition, openness examines an individual’s receptivity to their own and others’ feelings, their level of imagination, intellectual curiosity and general openness to new experiences. Some individuals are perceived as more down-to-earth, realistic, preferring logical reasoning and objectivity over intuition and emotional experiences. They usually have a preference for things have been proven to work, rather than the uncertain and unknown. Others have a higher need for internal and external experiences. They tend to have new perspective on things and are often perceived as creative, imaginative and open.