Adding new users to the platform is primarily a task of an Owner. A user with this Owner role has access to the People page, where they can add users and assign roles to users for all active modules of the Assessio platform (Recruitment and/or Development). Within these modules, the Admins can also add users. A user with the Recruitment Admin role can ad a users and give them either the Recruitment Admin role, the Recruiter role or the Recruitment Member role. A user with the Development Admin role can add users and give them the Development Admin role or the Leader role. Users are always first added without role, this is indicated as Employee. Only an Owner can assign the Owner role to other users.
Adding new users may have an impact on the cost of the Platform.
Adding users by an Owner
There are two ways to add users, adding one individual at a time, or adding multiple users simultaneously.
To add an individual user:
Go to the People page to add a new user.
The default option is to add an individual user.
Click on + Add new person.
Complete the required fields.
Click Add.
To add multiple users:
Go to the People page to add multiple users.
Select the option to add multiple users at the top of the page.
Upload a CSV-file with all users you want to add, including their first name, last name and email address.
You can download a template CSV-file to use for this.
Click Add.
Once you add a new user to the platform, make sure to assign a role or multiple roles to the user; otherwise the user will not receive an email invitation to activate their profile.
Adding users as a Recruitment Admin
You can either add an entirely new person and then give them a Recruitment role, or you can assign a Recruitment role to an existing user. In both cases, after completion, the owner(s) of the organisation will receive a notification stating that a new user/role has been added.
To add a new user:
Go to the People page.
Click on Add Recruitment User.
The default option is to change the role of an existing user.
Select the option to add a New User at the top of the form.
Complete the required fields.
Click Send Invite.
To change the role of an existing user:
Go to the People page.
Click on Add Recruitment User.
Complete the required fields.
Click Send Invite.
Adding users as a Development Admin
You can either add an entirely new person and then give them a Development role, or you can assign a Development role to an existing user. In both cases, after completion, the owner(s) of the organisation will receive a notification stating that a new user/role has been added.
To add a new user:
Go to the People page.
Click on Add Development User.
The default option is to change the role of an existing user.
Select the option to add a New User at the top of the form.
Complete the required fields.
Click Send Invite.
To change the role of an existing user:
Go to the People page.
Click on Add Development User.
Complete the required fields.
Click Send Invite.